Convenience Store Improves Energy Efficiency with Sky Cooling Panels
Client: Circle K
The Customer
With coolers and lights that operate 24/7, convenience stores are among the most energy intensive of all retail businesses. Howard B. owns and operates a Circle K convenience store and gas station in Sacramento. In order to reduce costs and save energy at the convenience store, Howard partnered with SkyCool Systems and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) for an energy efficiency project.
SkyCool Systems installed 15 rooftop cooling panels and connected the panels to the walk-in freezer and cooler in Howard’s convenience store. For the walk-in freezer installation, SkyCool’s panels were used as a passive subcooler. SkyCool also installed another 15 rooftop cooling panels, which replaced the
remote air-cooled condenser of the ice machine located in the convenience store. With support from SMUD, the installation of cooling panels included no upfront cost to Howard, allowing Howard to be more efficient and cost effective with his operations. SkyCool’s passive cooling technology can be used by utilities like SMUD to reduce or eliminate peak electrical consumption.
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